What if you could write a digital note and stick it in the physical world?


All the notes you need
when and where you need!

Digitalization expanded our world through a massive amount of informations. Every object, task or relationship comes with digital images, video, music, texts, dates and more. All these files pile up on our devices day by day, year by year.

When we need an information, we dig into our smartphone wondering where we wrote that note months ago. So we had this simple idea: what if we could find every information we collect right there where we need it?

Like a sticky note, easy as a sticky note, cheap as a sticky note…but digital! So we created Keer.

How does it work?

A Keer is a very special QR code that links anything you want to its digital space that can be private (only you will be  able to read it) or public/shareable.

You can upload whatever you want: be it a quick text, some pictures, important documents, videos or your favourite music.

Get inspired

Ordinary can be surprising

Binders full of documents? Just stick a Keer on it and upload a pic of the documents just before store them. You will not need to take the binder and browse it, scan the Keer on the binder. Or you can always choose to reach it from the app.


Stop asking everyone what they need before shopping. Just stick a Keer on the fridge and ask everyone to write what they desire. You’ll find everything on your smartphone.

Use keer at home

Our goal

We want to provide an easy, useful and cheap tool that allows anyone to collect, manage and share digital contents, with no need for special skills or expensive devices.

Keer wants to be accessible for anyone both in terms of usability and availability. Providing a tool that anyone can use in deep connection with physical world, to share knowledge, experiences, informations, no skill needed, we like to think that we can contribute to reduce the gap between people through the power of ideas and communication.

To do that we need to reach many people and build an active community, this way we can collect feedbacks to make our service better and better, day by day


Join our community!

Attracting the interest around our project to collect feedbacks and support is the thing we’re working on the most

Entering our ever growing community means It means that we’ll keep you updated about the journey that will finally bring Keer to life! We promise you won’t hear from us that much – let’s say 2 or 3 times a month tops – just for the very cool news.

Even better…you will have access to special dedicated offers and discounts we have planned to release when our app will  be ready to download!
